Jitters? Nope. Not Me

By Goddess Isa

SUMMARY: Dum, dum, da-dum....
SPOILER: My stories Blissful Existence and Unanticipated. This is becoming
a series but it has no title.

FEEDBACK: Please, I'd hate to have to Slay for it. =P
DISCLAIMER: Joss is an idiot, but he did give us Buffy and Angel so I
suppose I can't hate EVERYTHING about him. Wait, wait, he gave us Riley,
Parker, Kate and Jheira. Yeah, I can hate everything about him. Ignore
everything. He does own them though, and I don't. Damn.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: This story takes place on April 15th, Buffy and Angel's
wedding day.

"Angel?" Giles asked. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"You're wearing Cordelia's wrap as your cummerbund."

Angel tossed it onto the pew and took his gray cummerbund from Giles.
"I'm sorry. I guess I'm just--"

"Scared to death?" Cordy asked as she smoothed the wrinkles out of her
wrap and draped it over her shoulders. "I can so understand that. If I were
marrying Doyle, which I like, never will, I--"

"Why wouldn't ya marry me?" Doyle asked, hurt. "Not that I'm askin' or
anyting, but--"

"I don't think you should get married, ever." Xander said. "No one could
ever afford your gown, let alone the whole ceremony."

Cordelia stuck her tongue out at her old boyfriend and he returned the
gesture. Anya pulled him into a kiss and they fell onto the pew they'd been
sitting on and then eventually, onto the floor.

"Geez, you guys, we're in a church!" Amy hissed. The kissing intensified.

"Maybe I should've worn my hair back?" Angel suggested.

"Your hair looks *fine*." Cordy said. "Buffy likes it pointy."

"Pointy?" he asked, panicked. "It's supposed to be spikey!"

"What's the difference?" she asked.

"He wouldn't know spikes if he fell o'er 'em," the drunk vampire mumbled
from his seat. He was miserable that Willow hadn't caught on that he wanted
her body yet. He sighed and took another drink from his flask. "He's a
bloody poof, dat's 'at 'ee is."

"Can we remove him from the premises?" Amy asked hopefully.

"Are we about ready?" the Priest asked as he joined them at the alter.

"Ah, yes." Giles said. "I shall go get the bride."

"It's a shame Buffy's mother didn't come," Amy said as she tried to pull
the horny teenagers once known as Anya and Xander off of the floor. "She's
so stubborn about this whole relationship."

The organist and violinist began to play and Willow made her way down the
aisle in a dark green dress that suited her well. She smiled at the gang she
considered her family and couldn't help smirking at Spike all drunk and
sprawled in the middle of a pew near the back of the church. There was
something irresistible about him, but she would never let herself go there.

Angel began to freak as the music changed and the few guests stood up,
even Spike. What if Buffy ran out on him? What if she changed her mind?
What if he was too tired tonight? What if--

He didn't get to finish his thoughts because she appeared with Giles at
the front of the church. She looked amazing.

Her hair was pinned up with white orchids and curls fell around her face.
She wore the diamond earrings her grandmother had given her for her
sixteenth birthday and the dress she'd picked out at a shop in LA fit as
though it was designed for her.

It was a Pamela Dennis dress designed for an episode of FRIENDS and never
used. It was sleeveless and the tiny straps it did have fell just barely off
her shoulder and were made of Australian crystals. The bodice was solid
white, corseted, and the skirt had tiny crystals throughout the layers of

"Wow," Angel mumbled before Buffy reached him. She smiled and waited for
the Priest to begin the ceremony.

"Who gives this woman to this man?" he asked.

Angel freaked. What if Giles wouldn't give her away? What if Buffy
decided she wanted to be married with her father there? Her mother?

"I do," Giles said proudly. He kissed Buffy on the cheek and sat in the
first pew next to Willow and Doyle.

When Buffy took Angel's hands, all his worries seemed to flutter away.
He looked into her eyes and smiled at the woman he loved. She returned the
smile and before he knew it, they'd exchanged vows and were husband and wife.

As they got into the limousine that would take them straight to the
airport to catch their flight to Toronto where they were spending the first
part of their honeymoon, Buffy instantly became worried.

All sorts of thoughts ran through her head, but this one most of all:
What if he can tell that I'm pregnant?!?!?!?!

read next story in series 'Surprise!!!'

go read more fic!