By Shirlz

Disclaimer: I wish I could say that I own them but I can’t

Rating: PG13/R

Spoilers: Season 2+

Thanx: DB/SMG; Nik

I look at you and I can’t believe the feelings that bubble up inside of me. Love, warmth, excitement. A myriad of sensations and emotions coursing through my veins.

The day that you came into my life was the day that I was blessed. Before then I had just existed. Day after day just going through the motions. Now with you in my life every day is full of new and wonderful experiences. I live for the moment and I do it with you.

We are so in tune with each other; so close that we know what the other is thinking. I am you and you are I. A perfect match. I don’t know how I ever managed without you. You give me so much and it is all unconditional. You support me. You give me a shoulder to lean on. You comfort me when I am in distress or grief. You guide me and protect me. You stand with me and fight. You risk your life for me. You would die for me.

I love you so very much.

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