by Shirlz

Disclaimer: JW et al own BtVS/Johnny Hates Jazz own

the title and the lyrics

Rating: PG

Spoilers: Seasons 2/3 (but this is my universe)

Thanx: DB/SMG – as B/A you inspire us all

Author’s Notes: Busy day today so this may be all you get

(was that a cheer???)

Lyrics in Italics

This is an argument between B/A – it has no

beginning and no end – there will be no sequel


"I don’t know how to get through to you! Damn it Angel I LOVE YOU!"


"No you don’t. It’s pity or fear that keeps you here. You can’t possibly love me after what I’ve done. I’m a monster and I deserve to die."


"It wasn’t you Angel it was Angelus. He took you over. He controlled you. He used your body to do his will. You’re the kindest, most gentle man I know."


"Right! A kind and gentle man who tortured your Watcher, tormented you and your friends and killed Jenny. If that’s your definition of kind and gentle you’re as screwed up as Faith!"

A vicious backhand was followed by a savage verbal attack.


"If loving you means that I am screwed up then I’m proud of the fact. You are the most precious thing in the world to me. I’m damned if I’m going to just stand back and let you burn because you can’t tell the difference between you and the demon!"


‘I’ve tried so hard

To make you understand

That this is not a lie

Believe in me

And if you take my hand

And look me in the eye’


"I’m not a righteous man Buffy. I don’t deserve your friendship, I don’t deserve your trust and I certainly don’t deserve your love. Let me go."


"Listen to me Angel, I love you and I want to be with you. I think you are worthy. I need you, I can’t do this alone. Without you I am nothing."


'The two of us

Have got a fighting chance

But you don’t want to win

Now is the time

You gotta break the chains

But don’t you dare give in’

"You are wrong Buffy, you were always the strong one. All I’ve ever been is weak. If I was strong I would never have gotten close to you."




"Oh Buffy, I love you more than life itself. You are my air, my sunlight, my everything. But I am no good for you; you’re better off without me."


"I’m not. You know what happened when I sent you to Hell. I need you Angel. I love you."


‘How much stronger must I stay

Until you find out you believe in love

What other reason can I give to you

When I want you and I need you

What other reason can I give to you

When I want you, cos I love you’

